Writing a Mindset book

Nishant Raj
2 min readMay 18, 2022


While writing up the 50 Shades of Content Writing, that is a short and condensed book on the principles of creating content fast. I was amazed how many of its pages were about mindset.

And I am not a big fan of either personal development or self-help stuff.

It’s not that I’m against self-improvement or promoting mediocrity, but the reason is much deeper.

Self-help is usually worshiped by people who are only interested in telling the world how “passionate” they are about improving them, “working on them” but rarely if never implement what’s said in those books.

They will buy a bestselling book on building habits and still boast how hard it’s for them to get out of bed… and so on.

They have turned the whole genre into this improvement-signaling game, which seems worthless to me.

Anyways, many of hte pages I pulled back from 50 Shades book can be a good start for a book on mindset and inner-game.

Because looking at myself, writing is really a 90% mindset game.

You can’t write–at least not daily–if you’re not up for some tough choices.

But a book on mindset isn’t something I’m interested in writing solo.

As I mentioned earlier, I don’t read much about self-help. And It would be great if I collaborate with someone who does, and more importantly who implements what they read.

So if you want to do this project as a co-author, that is writing a book on mindset, mental toughness, and strong inner game…

Reply to this mail, and let’s talk.

Nishant Raj



Nishant Raj
Nishant Raj

Written by Nishant Raj

I write on copywriting, business, and marketing. To get daily tips in your inbox, sign up here: www.nishant-raj.com

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